Devoted Yogis


Thank you so much for making this commitment to yourself and choosing to make my offerings a part of your wellness routine. The price point is purposeful so that you can allocate your budget to other wellness practices and not break the bank. This yoga membership gives you unparalleled variety for less than your Netflix subscription. Every month, two new classes will be posted plus you get unlimited access to the ever growing library. With 5 styles to choose from and a filter to sort by class length and music genre you can find the perfect class for your mood every single time. Enjoy!

Don’t forget to bookmark this page on your iPhone and Android for quick and easy access.


available on the 1st and on the 15th

New Audio Classes


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Gentle stretches are held for 3-5 minutes to move beyond muscle and access fascia and connective tissues. A great complementary practice for tighter bodies, athletes, weight lifters and runners on a rest day. New students welcome.


A steady Vinyasa practice to strengthen your body and balance your hustle with controlled and patient movement. Grounded in foundation and breath you will leave class feeling rejuvenated and refreshed. All levels.


A steady Vinyasa practice to strengthen you combined with mindful yin stretches help create the perfect balance in your body. Get stronger mentally and physically by combining these two styles together. Great for all levels.


A high energy, strength building, core igniting vinyasa class if you're ready for it. Expect to rock your body to upbeat music and challenge your strength to new heights. Some experience is recommended for this class but not necessary.


Choose from 3 minutes, 10 minutes or 20 minutes. Meditations are pre-dominatly silent sits with minimal talking so that you can get present to your surroundings.

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Have a question? Start by checking out my FAQ page to see if you can find an answer. Otherwise, I’m happy to connect via email to discuss your inquiry further.